AITA for wanting a second job so I can spend all that money on things I want?

On one hand, if you work 60 hours a week, you’re never going to see each other, so I can see her side of wanting something out of sacrificing all the time she has with you.

Actually I'm going to be working from home most of the time. And she occasionally weekend shifts anyways. Good point though, we will be missing out on more time than we would otherwise

You should have an emergency fund that would keep you afloat for 6 months at a minimum. Mine would last 2-3 years.

That's a very very good point. And we're not there yet, so maybe I should not be spending anything until we get there. Especially expensive things like a bike.

OTOH, an important part of life is having interests and hobbies, not just maintaining and going through life like a robot until you die. I’m not crazy at all about her going out and partying and getting drunk all the time. That’s a huge waste of money and not really something you should be doing more than occasionally once you get married.

She's not really partying, just going to restaurant bars with her friends, talking etc. . She doesn't do it too often, maybe 2 or 3 days a month, which I think is reasonable and a huge decrease from when we were dating. She is making a sacrifice there. I was never a bar person to begin with, so that was always a part of her life that didn't really intersect with mine, the same way she is scared of motorcycles and wouldn't ever go riding with me.

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