AITA for wanting to selectively reduced my pregnancy from triplets even though my husband wants to have all 3?

I am not sure if anyone will see my comment, but I actually am a triplet, and like the situation in the original post, myself and my 2 siblings were conceived naturally.

We were all born premature. I was only 3 pounds. We were in the ICU for weeks. I was so small I could fit in my mom's palm. Our footprints on our birth certificates were about the size of a marble. It was a risky pregnancy. It was very stressful.

And my dad was a stay at home dad. It was a lot of work. A lot. But. My parents said they wouldn't change a thing.

I don't think OP is wrong for wanting to not have triplets. I don't think her husband is wrong for wanting to have them.

I don't even really know what my judgment is....but I just think it's important that someone who is actually a triplet weighs in here. Maybe there is another triplet(s) on this thread who already has, but I haven't seen any, so I just wanted to offer my 2 cents.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent