AITA for wanting space after SO mocked me for being sick

I feel that not all instances of being sick warrants visiting the doctor. Lots of people have patterns in their illnesses and can predict when things will get better or worse. OP could have a yearly bug or something they know they don’t need a doctor for. Once symptoms start getting worse or your work/school requires doctors approval for absence, then a doctors visit should be necessary,

Yes, OP should’ve been more clear with their SO, but you’re pulling information out of nowhere. We don’t know if SO was entirely taking care of OP for 4 days, they didn’t mention that at all. Same with “dodging questions”, there was one instance of not wanting to speak with SO, which in that scenario is perfectly understandable. OP did come off abrasive, as they mentioned and could’ve been more considerate about it, but he is perfectly reasonable to want to be left alone to recover.

OP should’ve talked about the mocking in the beginning, but it’s perfectly reasonable to wall yourself off and let those emotions pass so you can talk about it when you have a clear head, though you shouldn’t just expect an apology. Show them why the things they said hurt you. NTA, but could’ve been a little more considerate.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent