AITA for watching a WWE pay per view (Money in the Bank) on my phone while at a wedding that was meaningless to me?

YTA for how you threw an adult tantrum at the wedding, not for having a hobby. Having a hobby is great, I like WWE too. However there are ways this could have been handled differently.

In my relationship we never force each other to go anywhere. It can be strongly desired, but we respect each other if and when one of us wants to sit something out. It doesn't mean the other can't go, we just respect that the other might not be up for it. I've missed major events for simply being tired and had no arguments or beef about it and she has done the same. The fact that this problem for you was not resolved beforehand speaks to communication issues on both sides.

My logic is you are there. By being there you are actively ignoring everyone. Sure you did not know anyone, but that does not give permission to sit it out. We are adults and part of the territory is socializing with people we don't care about for the sake of people we do care about.

My way to resolve this would be to go "Honey I'm sorry for being rude at the party. I was frustrated because I felt like my needs were being overlooked. I know WWE is not important to you, but it is to me. This is the hobby that gets me through the day. Please I ask that you respect that aspect about me. If you can do that I will also work to be more considerate about events that are important to you. I see now how important this wedding was to you, and that for your sake I should have been there to support you. I understand you are mad at me and it sounds like you are feeling similar to me that your needs have been overlooked. How can we work together so both of our needs get met?"

Wording and tone is incredibly important. If you say it in a judgmental or morally superior tone then it will just make it worse.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread