AITA for wearing headphones and biking

So he served to avoid hitting you, putting him on the wrong side of the road rather than on top of you, and your response is to be a smart arse about him avoiding flattening you?

As a driver, he is responsible for driving to road conditions, including slowing down on back roads where he doesn't have good visibility around a corner or of sides where someone could pull out of, and for parking up in the middle of the road to yell at you. Without knowing the road, it's impossible to know if he was going too fast or just unfortunate with where you chose to stop/pull out, but giving you the benefit of the doubt that it was on a clear straight stretch.

But as a road user, too, you are also responsible for making sure you have awareness of the road and its hazards, and lacking the height/speed/mirrors, etc. of a car, your ears are your main tool, so using a road (no matter how quiet it is) with headphones is dumb and irresponsible and will get you killed if the next driver isn't as quick to react. Cars (and trucks and buses) will come up on you from invisible/around a bend/over a rise faster than you can move your bike from stop to full speed, even if they are driving responsibly, which is why you need to listen for them, too, and be prepared to either wait until they pass before pulling out, or otherwise react accordingly, depending on the road.

ESH. He was a jerk about it, and bears some responsibility for not being in a position to slow/brake behind you and having to swerve, but he was right, and you being an arse about him swerving to avoid hitting you doesn't somehow prove he is not.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread