AITA for wishing I could tell people I don't want to listen to their problems?

ESH. I 105% understand not wanting to hear other people's stress and drama and emotional issues. I have so many of my own that hearing anyone else's just ruins me. I've spent so long getting better that I'm finally able to almost handle my own issues and stresses and live a life free of most pain (by shoving those aside and choosing happiness).

The problem is that I have a girlfriend and a family.

My girlfriend has constant issues and always wants to talk about them. Work, feeling sick, bills, family not doing what they said they will, getting snubbed by so and so, a misunderstanding, something broken, so and so had a breakup, etc... After a while I literally can't take it.

I think it sucks when people share their negativity and invade you with it all the time, but on the flip side of the coin, if people can't talk to you ever about their issues they can feel isolated from you and it feels like you're disregarding their experience. Talking makes most people feel better.

It's best to explain how overwhelmed you get to those who bomb you with dreams and negativity and try to ask them to keep it to a minimum for your sanity. Good luck.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread