AITA for withholding from my children that my husband had a wife and child before he met me? They’ve just found out and are acting like I’ve betrayed them.

YTA for thinking your kids have no right to be extremely upset. Despite good intentions, you still kept a huge secret about yourself from the people who love and trust you the most and fail to see how heartbreaking this is from the other side. This is not just “teenage hormones”.

Similar context (not same issues) and I was not informed about “past lives” until adulthood. So much clarity around things I internalized became available - only when I found out the truth. I immediately felt that my parents were cowards for not finding a way to communicate this aspect of their former lives with me, especially bc it had been ongoing for years and directly impacted how I was being raised.

If whatever “it” is manipulates or influences the way you parent your children, alters your day-to-day attitude, and just overall impacts the “self” you share with your kids, I believe said kids deserve an explanation, or at the very least, a basic level of contextual awareness.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread