AITA for yelling at a friend when she accused me of faking my accent?


I have an accent with a strong Jewish (Yiddish) influence. Doesn't sound like a straight up Yiddish accent, but it definitely comes out in certain words and will get stronger if I'm angry/excited/drunk/tired. Honestly sounds a lot like Natascha Lyonne.

I grew up in a largely Jewish town with a largely Jewish family, so that's just the way I learned to speak. Part of the American immigrant experience is being seriously pressured to assimilate, to shed any sign of your personal heritage, like to the point that my grandparents refused to teach my dad/uncle russian or Yiddish because they knew the less "American" they seemed, the more discrimination they'd face.

It's gross of completely, fully assimilated Americans to demand you sound "like everybody else" aka have a WASPy General American accent. It's insensitive and also just plain ignorant as to how accents work. Embrace everyone's cultural differences.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread