AITA for yelling at MIL who is visiting from another country and making her so uncomfortable she left?

Yeah. I'm American. My bf is Mexican. We have problems with his mother (and my dad, but not relevant right now). We want to get married in the next couple of years and FMIL has made... comments about how we want to do the wedding. She wants traditional Mexican. My bf is would rather elope. I want just a small ceremony, and I'm atheist. This has made FMIL very upset, because I won't have more than 30-40 people at my wedding, and it won't be at a church.

Her comments have been very "well, of course la güera would want a very American wedding," as if I don't come from the most passive aggressive northern Baptist family on the planet and don't understand what she means.

Meanwhile my parents, even my racist dad, are like, "yeah, if you wanna get married in Mexico in a traditional ceremony, we will 100% support you." So at least we just have one headache right now.

But I hate seeing this kind of shit on reddit. Why do I have to cowtow to my FMIL because people pretend her culture is more "important" than mine?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent