AITA if I get mad at my (23f) bf (25m) for something I said I was okay with?

Throughout our relationship, he has be an absolutely wonderful boyfriend. He’s so kind and he makes me a better human being.

However, we started by hooking up - and a lot of my distrust of him comes from this era. I understand it’s not fair as he has shown he has changed in the 3 years we’ve been together.... but sometimes I can’t stop thinking about the shitty crap he put me through during his fuck boy era.

The friend is very nice. I’ve met her a few times and I really like her. It just makes me uncomfortable because sometimes I notice there’s some blatant flirting - but I’ve always tried to chalk that up to close friendship.

I really appreciate your input. My worry really was that I told him I was so fine with it! And that it’s not a big deal! I just wanted to diffuse the situation because I started by trying to bring it up without accusing and without offending him but it escalated so fast..

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent