AITA? My roommate is complaining that my bf is staying over too often and I think she’s being unreasonable.

did you talk to your roommate about this decision to let him stay over more frequently before it happened? if not, YTA.

it doesn't matter if you have personal reasons why this could work, and it also doesn't matter that he's only taking up your space. you live with another person. you're making a decision for the whole house without discussing it. to you it's not that big of a deal, cuz he's your guy and you're comfortable around him. you want this. of course you don't care... but that's her home too. maybe that's her sacred space, maybe she doesn't want someone else there that often. maybe she was being polite because she didn't want to make a big deal out of it even though it bothered her, when you asked her. maybe she reached a breaking point and realized she needed to say something.

it doesn't matter what the situation is, you made a decision for everyone living there without discussing it with everyone living there. and now you're annoyed that they don't like it? lol ok.

if you had a conversation and she had agreed to it ahead of time, remember that she can rescind that at any point. it's her home too.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread