AITA: I told my mom the major surgery I’m facing at 45 is a direct result of surgery she made me get at six.

NTA. Everyone is going to shit on me for this but, I had to have a surgery at 13 that ended up being botched. Mine was not choice and yours was, you would’ve been perfectly fine with flat feet but your mother chose vanity. The point is, your elective surgery was a choice by your mother and it caused severe damage to you and now you may never walk again normally. Not to mention you’re in excruciating pain which I can sympathize with. Do the fix surgery, because even if you lose some ability to walk, not being in constant excruciating pain is a world in its own.. You’re NTA for blaming your mom for the elective surgery screwing your foot up. But she was working with limited knowledge. Regardless, it was vanity.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread