AKP'li gençler: Dünyanın yuvarlak olması mason uydurması, dünya düzdür

Lol no you didn't made any arguments whatsoever.You asked a question and I answered it and now you are crying that "I am making strawman arguments" . The verses are clear you just twist its meanings to fit your narrative. Quran is not a postmodern artwork.


Hadiths are not interpretation.They are additions.

Scholars interpreting its work then?

Burada "interpreting" kelimesini yorumlama mı yoksa çeviri olarak mı kullanıyoruz? Ben yorumlama olarak kabul ediyorum çünkü birşeyi bir dilden başka bir dile çevirince anlamı değişmez diye biliyorum.

We interpret everything, we are limited to interpreting everything.

No. We don't interpret everything. People can have objective facts that doesn't change from person to person (for example: Scientific facts)

There's no need for a prophet if the books of abrahamic religions are explicit.

Burada artık iyice saçmalamışsın. Kitap kendi kendine mi öğretilerini yayacak?


Qur'an 15:19 - madad And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. Qur'an 15:19 مَدَدْ = madad = extend by drawing or pulling, stretch out, expand

It's says the Earth is spread out like a flat surface. You can't "extend" "stretch out" a globe. And it says mountains are immovable but in reality they are moving all the time because of plate tectonics movements.

There are more verses that support this that does not allow other explanations. I shared a video in this thread before that explain all of this a lot better than me.

I can find you a lot more overses that have other factual errors but I am tired.I suggest you should read Quran from beginning to end in your mother tounge so you can know what you are talking about.

/r/Turkey Thread Parent Link - siyasihaber3.org