Al Franken: 'I don't think that this president is equipped to handle the job'

Okay so I'll answer both of your questions here. Because your second question appears in another post.

First, some backstory. I live in NYC and he's a known slimeball and fraud here. I have personally witnessed Trump stepping over homeless people and telling his goonish bodyguards, "get that shit outta here" while I worked in an adjacent art gallery next to one of his buildings.

Second, you linked me to a right-wing propaganda video which presents nothing short of a photo-op for him. Don't mistake this for compassion. He's a narcissist.

This is a man who has launched a travel ban against Muslims, has attacked Muslim gold star parents, claimed a judge was biased against him because he was Mexican, and it took him days to condemn the violence by right wing Nazi groups against the people in Charlottesville. Those words were taken back hours later.

Prior to becoming President, Trump was sued for racial discrimination for refusing to rent to black people. They settled...and then they were sued AGAIN. There are also multiple accounts of racism in his casinos. Google it.

Birtherism. An inherently nasty and outrageous claim about Obama that was bent with such racism he should have been barred from the media.

Trump is a racist in that he SEES race in everything he does. He sees himself above other races and in doing so, projects himself as a racist. He loves hispanics! They make the best taco bowls! Really? If you fail to see the inherent stereotyping and racist nature in that, I pray for you because you must need an aide or something to get through life. It takes a truly stupid person to not see that as racist.

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