Alabama cop gets 25 years in prison for shooting and killing suicidal man who called for help

I don't think he's far right/confederate supporting. I think he's just lived a hard life and lacks empathy for someone wishing to take their own life when there are completely innocent people have been killed (by cops and otherwise) who weren't suicidal, and worse, never had their stories told.

I imagine seeing innocent lives taken without acknowledgement must breed a certain level of resentment when seeing stories like this.

Of course, it's widely established that the vast majority of suicidal individuals don't genuinely want to die, and that there a lot of mental health complications that come into play.

But that doesn't mean everyone is educated to those facts. Or that the have the ability to emphasize with or understand them, given their own personal circumstances.

This is the prime problem with social media. We always see the worst and want to paint a broad brush of "the enemy" to any opposition. There's no way forward with that mentality.

This dude is definitively wrong but you aren't right either.

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