Alan Moore compares comics fandom to drug addiction, uses Reddit threads as evidence [What We Can Know About Thunderman]

My mindset has always been it's just comics. Sometimes it's entertainment, some times it's art. Both sides can exist.

I lean towards heroes or like franchise adaptations like TMNT or Sonic but I read my fair share of indies. I learned along time ago not to hold tight on my perceptions on how characters and etc should go. I've learned to role with punches and accept their are ups and downs. I'm not totally complacent, if there is something I don't like I say it, drop it and move on to something else, so no, I'm not reason "keeping they keep shoveling out the sludge." and no I'm not whining about x and y and leaving mean comments on Twitter. Not all cape fans are the "Comic book guy" From the Simpsons.

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