Albertan Identity Crisis Due To Education

Why don’t you get involved and do something instead of taking a backseat passenger role in your own burning car, letting someone else drive it as they light it on fire and complaining that it smells bad...

I’ve been to BC, much more liberal, the same types of people are there and same with everywhere, these people you wish to avoid, the ignorant and or willfully ignorant people, there is no safe place to hide from them.

And for the degrees you have you’d think you’d have a bit better of an understanding of how this has become what it is for Alberta and if it was the place you were born and raised you’d think you’d wanna do something about it instead of worrying about your identity, which shouldn’t revolve around a province anyways...

And while I definitely can see we have our issues here, issues plague every where you would consider to run to, so you can run and keep running and not face the problems or you can stand your ground and make some sort of impact in your community or area and start making it a place you wanna see, don’t just run to a place where someone else has already done it for you, it won’t fulfill you any.

There’s tons of good people here in Alberta and yes we do have a very vocal minority but they are very much the minority no matter how loud they yell.

The anti mask protestors are literally in every province, no matter how left leaning it is, because it’s not even just right wingers susceptible to it, with all of the people having so much time online compared to before.. reading things over and over... the illusory truth effect comes into play, it’s an effect for a reason because it works, it is true. That psych degree you have, which I do as well, use it, don’t just flaunt its title...

/r/alberta Thread