ALEX JONES WAS RIGHT AGAIN!!! UN publishes population replacement plan in their own website... Plan to replace Americans in USA with muslims.

Yes it would be nice if all that didn't happen. While waiting for it to be fixed, here is what you can do right now, even in this bad situation: live much more frugally, insist on your right to a wife and many children. How? By finding such a woman. You won't find her in bars and clubs, and those cost money anyway. So, just decide firmly what you want and keep talking until you find a woman who hates the office and wants children, stability and love. And who knows she has to be creative and energetic to get those things on just your income. When you find such a one, work together creatively with her, by living frugally and perhaps by getting side gigs or a second job. She may home school.

The granola crunchers are not wrong about frugality and home cooking.

This may involve finding a few other men who think like you, and forming a core who will share living quarters to make marriage and childbearing possible.

If you wait around for good conditions that permit every man to have his own house with a wife and some kids in it, you may wait too long. Deal with the conditions you have and find creative ways to get the job done with the conditions in front of you.

The willingness to live crowded while insisting on strong cultural ideals is what the successful immigrants do, and it works for them, and it can work for you, with your flavor and putting your spin on it.

So, know what you want, and refuse to be distracted from getting it. It might be an idea to never talk to another woman, socially I mean, who is not a candidate for this. To buy a drink or a meal for a woman who won't help you toward your goal is to waste money and time.

A man who is worth a lot can say no and can find what he wants and needs.

In short develop the ability to know what you want and the ability to say no, and the ability to creatively and positively make sacrifices to get what you want.

That is how your ancestors crossed the plains. They were willing to organize their priorities and cope with challenges, deprivations and problems constructively and creatively. They were very loyal to each other, also.

They had clarity and loyalty. And creativity.

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