Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hits back at Fox News: ‘The same folks who bow to Trump are clutching their pearls’

No No, Don't change the reference point, Vantablack is a perfect analogy since its Also owned by and Only usable by the asshole who brought it (Anish Kapoor) from a tech company he was affiliated with.

The other black is called Black 2.0 and its made by Stuart Semple, Its actually the same to look at/use (Since you can't really get anything More darker than absorbing All light) But its made out of different stuff.

Little story about the two artists:

Stuart was basically at war with Anish because Anish wouldn't let others use a fucking colour xD
So he made the Pinkest Pink pigment and its freely Available to Everyone... Except Anish, who eventually got in a lot of trouble for getting a hold of it and then posting a pic of him giving the finger with it on his hand. Good, simpler times!

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