Aliens visit Earth, in search of an intense narcotic for their species: sodium chloride. To their shock, salt is so common on Earth that the planet becomes a haven for alien junkies and addicts. [WP]

[CC] A cold breeze struck my chest and hair leaving behind a satisfying cooling sensation that slowly crawled down my spine. It was the hottest day of the summer, as the rays of our planet's burniing orb metled everything in its way. I retracted idly watching the condensation water droplets trickiling down my beer, sea gulls flocked above searching for a meal. A black seagull was amongst them, very strange, even more strange that it inched nearer and nearer revealing itself as anything but a black seagull. A large strangely shaped object the size of my porch flew in and landed on the scorching sand infornt. I hadhad too many beers to be afraid so I jumped from my seat to inspect. It had graffiti all around it such as 'amerika' and 'live fast die young'. They honked the horn motivating to move faster. A creature existed from the hatch. It was strangely human-like with a gray complection and american apparel clothing. it walked with attempted swagger and mustered up the words 'Yo dude where can my friends and I get high around here.'

/r/WritingPrompts Thread