Alinity gives an Amouranth Update

I would say this is the end of the road for this dude. He had it made but he clearly has an ego Trump would be humbled by.

Married. Not dating, Married to one of the most desirable women on the internet, constantly getting to travel and attent events, making millions of dollars, and this limp chode acts like this behind the scenes.

The most destructive thing she can do to this loser is divorce him and move on without missing a beat. I'm sure hes burrowed like a tick into her finances and bank accounts, planning to take as much with him as possible if something ever did happen. Once that's over though he's done. No one is going to want to associate with the lunatic ex, no more attention, no more free rides. Back to faceless, nameless, talentless obscurity.

Meanwhile Amouranth can literally fart in jar and make millions, if anything being single will drive her subscriptions up more than before lol.

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