All I am Is Tall And Smart

If this dude got buff, I wouldn't be surprised if he became a fucking nightmare.

I knew a dude who was really overweight. I'm sure he went through a lot of difficult situations, so I can understand how losing the weight was more than a big achievement for him. People should feel proud about achievements. But it wasn't just a personal victory. It wasn't a milestone in his development as a person, or a time to celebrate his discipline: it was a BECOMING.

All of a sudden, he thought he was superior to everyone he met. No one could tell him anything. And the way he saw it, it was his turn to insult EVERYONE. It was time for revenge on the world.

He became a horrible ass because he was convinced no one could resist him and no one could possibly find any fault in him. After all, he had eliminated the obvious fault that he decided was the source of all his problems.

Turns out he experienced far more rejection as a skinny arrogant person than he ever did as a fat, insecure man. I know people judged him unfairly as a fat man but rather than rising above that, he decided to play the same game but from what he saw as a dominant position.

He lost that phony overconfidence pretty quick and got fatter than ever before.

My point is that I admire people who work hard to achieve their goals. But people who think a superficial or physical change will transform their insides are focusing on the wrong things.

All that said, big ups to people who make the choice to lose weight, gain, muscle, eat better, quit smoking, etc.

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