Do all American universities do the same maths courses with the same content? e.g. What is "Calculus II" etc?

How is he wrong btw? You gotta write more than that I think. I don't know much about the US system, but doesn't Berkely have several calculus courses? That's atleast how it is in Europe. Majority of Engineers take a different calculus than math (pure and applied, physics and statistics major's do), they take a more theoretical calculus, with a little bit of proofs (epsilon / delta), they also expect a bit more of you from the course. I'd imginae if you took a purely computational calculus course in a community college in the US, and tried to transfer to a school in Europe, they would say you've pretty much done the "easy" version. Ofc, nobody is stopping you from taking the next course following the harder version, even if what you're only qualified the next course taht follows the easy version.

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