All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces

BETTER is subjective, buddy. YOU will not agree with what I view as better. Neither will I agree with you. If "better" was a concretely defined term, we would have ONE political party.

You want to know what better is TO ME? Jesus I could go all night lol.

Stopping using tax payer money for "climate change" is better. Pulling out of Paris is better. I don't believe "climate change" is man-made, but even more importantly, even if it IS man-made, IDGAF about it. No, I don't care. So for me, that's better.

Stopping an agenda to push "transgender rights" on people is better. Throwing it the instruction to schools that they are to allow kids to use any bathroom that they identify as is better. I think people should use the shitter and shower of the sex they were born. So that's better IMO.

I think deporting people who are in this country illegally is better.

I think electing constitutional conservative justices to SCOTUS and the federal courts is better.

That's just a few things that I think are better. You asked, I told. I'm not interested in a back and forth about how wrong I am because it's not better LMAO. Better it's opinion. In my opinion, this is better. That's just how it is.

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