All Bethesda has to do to avoid the Aepocalypse is to release SSE as a beta branch of aniversary on steam.

If everyone can just rollback their games then some modders might not
even try and update for AE and just state "Post-AE is unsupported"

Honestly, this needs to be talked about more.

Kind of interesting how like a month ago everyone was so afraid of AE releasing as a separate version and splitting the community once again, and yet now people want Bethesda to do pretty much this exact thing.

And i feel like the only reason for it is that their current "perfectly stable 500 mods setup" or their favorite Wabbajack list or whatever will stop working and that they don't want to have to wait a couple of weeks and then update it, which seems so incredibly short-sighted.

Like sure, let's make everything more confusing for mod users because SE will now have 2 versions and more difficult for mod authors if they choose to actually support both versions, just because we want to play Skyrim right NOW!!!

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