Do all fertilised eggs that don’t result in a child being born go straight to heaven?

I think this is one of the more insightful questions to ask a question. For years my go to answer was a very firm yes. Babies that died before they get a chance to live, automatically go to heaven no questions asked.

In about 6 months ago I was having a conversation here on Reddit. The results of the conversation, what's that saying that babies go to heaven, is a huge problem. Now, many of the Believers on this site, said that there was no way to tell if a baby went to heaven or hell. Some people said, like I had previously, that babies automatically go to heaven. And as always, there are some people who believe at an unbaptized baby must go to hell. And idea that I find repugnant.

The assumption that this question brings up, is that going to heaven or going to hell, are the only choices to choose from. But if we say that babies go to heaven, and it logically follows that the best thing to do for a baby is to save them from the risk of going to hell, just as you have pointed out, I killing them early. But this thought is as repugnant as believing that a baby goes to hell.

This has led me to, what I consider to be, and obvious conclusion. Babies that die in the womb, simply miss out on the chance to live. And they never get to go to heaven or hell.

And depending on why you believe what you believe, there are verses in Scripture that will support babies going to heaven, I will support baby's going to hell, and babies that just don't get to live. This is one of the wonderful things about scripture. And I say that a bit tongue-in-cheek and I bet sarcastically.

The other conclusion that I've come to, from my life and how I'm going to live my life, is that I know I will never kill a baby. I will never be responsible for an abortion. I will not sponsor or support anyone who has an abortion. I personally think, that the vast majority of abortions occur in order to make the life of the mother more convenient. I consider to be Gravely irresponsible, and I personally refuse to go there.

That being said, I think our moral obligation, Our obligation to God, and Our obligation to society, is living in a away that honors the living, helps those in need, while we pursue a meaningful living for ourselves. So, how we treat our Unborn has more to say about us then anything else. How we treat our newborns has more to say about us then anything else. And following the thought, how we treat our old people has more to say about us than anything else.

/r/Christianity Thread