All For One: Izuku's Father, Interesting and Possible, or Silly and impossible?

Piggyback theory;

Deku is so protective of Bakugo because he developed his quirk first and it was more powerful. This is also the reason Bakugo has a Vegeta complex from the start and still can't accept help from him. All the memories of young Midoriya being powerful, being told how great his quirk was, and how much potential he had were rewritten in everyone's minds to be about Bakugo. This had the effect of making Deku humble and Bakugo extremely arrogant since it doubled up his own similar memories. It's what ruined their relationship as children. The plan was to neutralize Izuku by taking his quirk and to drive Bakugo into becoming a villain. This is why the villains seem so interested in the two of them.

/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia Thread