All Healers on Suicide Watch

I do play healers. I just don’t understand the hate. People are never satisfied. They get used to something and can’t accept change.

Saying that Fairies should get DPS capabilities just because SCH DPS got “gutted” is just... weird. SCH is a healer job but has been in the top with their DPS and just let Fairy heal. If you want to DPS so much... just DPS?

I also don’t see a problem with just having Selene/ EOS as glams. This allows for future possibilities to have different fairies for aesthetics without having to make a new entire kit for them since they all share it.

But apparently that’s just me. I would rather see reasoning than be greedy when it comes to what they decide to do with jobs. If you don’t like it either adjust or move along

/r/ffxiv Thread