"All humans from all nations can agree that groids are more beast than human."

All humans from all nations can agree that groids are more beast than human.

TIL people who aren't racists aren't humans

Our ancestors were reading and writing and inventing and building thousands of years ago

First, Iranians did not invent writing, so that's irrelevant. Writing was independently developed in only three places; Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and China. Iranians had writing before most of Africa, I'll not deny that. But that's because Iran is closer to Mesopotamia than Africa. Germans were illiterate when black Axumites could write. Does this mean that modern Germans are genetically inferior to modern Ethiopians? No, all it suggests is that Ethiopia was more connected to Mesopotamia (via Arabia) than Germany was. Likewise, the fact that Iran had writing before Zimbabwe only proves that Iran had more ties to Mesopotamia than Zimbabwe, which should be obvious to a five-year-old who has had one look at a world map.

Furthermore, Africans were also inventing. Let's not forget that West Africa probably independently invented iron working. If /u/Andries_Pretorius is right, then how come the savage and ignorant Africans could have invented iron working while the noble and civilized Iranians or Germans did not (both Iran and Germany ultimately got iron from the Hittites)? And let's not ignore the independent Neolithic Revolutions in Ethiopia and the Sahel, nor the bow. There is a possibility that Africans invented bows more than 60,000 years ago. If the dates of inventions are a good gauge for genetic "superiority", shouldn't Africans, who may have invented the bow and arrow thousands of years before anyone else, be the master race?

As for the implication that Africans did not build anything, I would love to see their responses to Nubian pyramids, Axumite obelisks, Koumbi Saleh, or the now lost enormous walls of the city of Benin.

while theirs still hadn't invented clothing, written language or the wheel a few hundred years ago.

Africans from the vast majority of Africa, from the Zulu of South Africa to the Tigray-Tigrinya of Ethiopia, and from the Maasai of Kenya to the Igbo of Nigeria, did in fact wear clothing. This is indisputable. Yes, many African peoples wore much less clothing; among the Igbo, for instance, clothing was generally worn only to conceal the genitals. However, this in no way suggests genetic inferiority. All that means is that Africans had less need for clothing because of the hotter and more humid climate. And let's not pretend that Africans were the only subtropical or tropical people to mostly go around semi-nude. If African relative nudity means that Africans are somehow genetically inferior to Europeans, Filipinos, who prior to colonization were also semi-nude, should be inferior to the Inuit, right?

As for writing, it was only invented independently in three places; Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and China. So are Iraqis, Mexicans, and Chinese the superior master races? Note that Iran never invented writing; they got it from Mesopotamia.

As for the wheel as a means of transportation, it was also invented in only one place; the Eurasian steppes. Yes, Iran had the wheel before much of Africa. What does that prove? It proves that Iran is closer to the steppes than Africa is. Nothing more.

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