All the hype is gonna jinx g2

Groups is actually scariest part. As long time fan of this team I am more afraid of group then knock out. I think if they get to quarters they will do fine against most of the teams and if they hit best performance they can beat anyone on day.

People are all jumping on SKT hype train today but I didn’t see single comment how SKT mid game was far from perfect and gave Fnatic opportunities to stall the game. If Fnatic had adc at that point in game they could have easy won it. I dont think garen yuumi did much as usually for Fnatic. I would prefer hyli on roaming support, that works best for them. SKT picked kayle into it and scaled in easy lane match into garen yuumi which cant punish him because of range post 6 and ult. All of that was not mentioned much because Faker had very good individual performance and got fed super hard from start with that jungle invade which let SKT set early vision and track Broxah.

They where hyped for MSI by European casters also and papasmithy. People who didnt gave them chance winning tournament back then where NA casters and RAz from LPL. Now it seems most of the casting team is on hype train of them potentially winning except maybe Jatt how still place them top 3 but is more reserved about them winning.

Everything said I think all this pressure can influence them badly later in the tournament but it can also be beneficial for this team knowing their mentality. I feel they play best under pressure like game 5 in bo5 series, good example of that is first series vs Fnatic and SKT bo5. I would be most worried they will drop stupid games in groups if they stomp Griffin tomorrow because that would make them overconfident and that is their biggest flaw.

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