Do all individuals pursue self-preservation and self-interest?

That experiment proves nothing. Say I have to sacrifice myself to save someone about to be hit by a car, I push them out the road and get hit myself, it is an altruistic thing to do and at first it seems like I did it because I was thinking about the other person, but in reality I did it to gratify myself by doing what I believe is morally right, therefore I acted in my own moral interests not the other persons. I did it because I believe I should do things for other people, so I am gratified when I do those things. I give charity because I feel good knowing I helped someone, if giving charity did not make me feel good I would not do it, but by believing it is good to help people you by default feel good when you do it, and so even the most selfless acts are inherently self interested.

I’ve never heard of Howard Bloom but I’ll take a look now!! Why did my comment get so many dislikes?? Did I say something bad? My final comment about suicide sometimes being okay was a reference to euthanasia type situations, I don’t condone suicide.

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