To all the INFJs out there. Help. I need your perspective. Right to wait or just move on?feel very torn..

Going through the same thing. Sad thing for me is the "nothing more to learn". I'm a lot of things, but boring and quick to learn are nowhere near that list. I think the girl that I'm referencing was caught up in limerence and drew me into it. Bad thing about limerence is if it wears off before an authentic bond is developed the first one to snap out of it can really hurt the other if they aren't emotionally mature enough to be honest and sincere about the situation. It cuts people like us the deepest because we can see people at their core and only open up to the ones we deem as worthy. We run a high risk of the DREADED Ni-Ti loop if they unexpectedly withdraw from us. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I promise I can empathize. Mine was an ENFP, but I know the pain is no different.

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