All Jailers Are Bastards....AJAB

I got locked up for only 4 days(for a $60 ticket written by a cop who didnt even pay enough attention to get the make and color of my car correct on the ticket) and it still was enough to show me the truth of the matter re:cops. Notable about my stay: mild-moderate withdrawal from legally prescribed and obtained painkillers(this is back before i switched to just thc), being literally told to fuck off when i asked to see the jail nurse, and I ended up in a pretty heated argument with a guy over how much noise i made pacing back and forth at night(later found out from my cellie that guy was in there for murder lmao)

Again, all i had done is forgotten to pay a $60 ticket. Walking while poor was my crime, and neither i nor anyone else in there was afforded the slightest modicum of human decency. I don't even want to think about what it would do to me, mentally, imprisoned for as long as some of my friends have been.

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