To all libtarded cucks who find this offensive- Happy Easter

Ornithologists have studied for years the minutiae of birds. They know that a raven isn't a crow. It takes study. Interest. Application.

Yes. The ability to fantasize and think are the parents of good thought. But reason will only take one so far. If reason were everything, the Greeks, who did so much before Christianity, would still be worshipping Zeus. They aren't. They cherish their past but something better came. Zeus lasted about five hundred years. Christianity is two thousand years old, four times as long.

The proof of the pudding is the eating. Christianity works for people. That is a lot of time. That is a lot of social change.

AMERICAN Christianity does not have to answer for the mistakes of earlier European Christians who were not always nice people.

The biggest atheist believes his mommy loves him and there is such a thing as Canada. He sees evidence his mommy loves him. But he can't measure her love precisely. He just says "she loves me THIS much" and spreads his arms wide. Should we laugh at his unscientific naivete? No.

As for Canada, a fine country, its borders are a mere human construct. Yet we unquestioningly believe in them as real things. They are, too.

We firmly believe there is value in a piece of paper, a dollar bill. There isn't. That value is a human construct, essentially imaginary.

Some people have taste for the imaginary. Some people have more talent for it. Some people are left cold by the whole thing. That's fine. But such people are still doing a lot of believing in the unseen, the unprovable, the unmeasurable, every day.

Well anyway. Be well. Happy Easter and MAGA.

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