It's all a lie

How could it go any other way though? As a small business owner myself, you know what the worst things government can do are? Fight about things, never make up their minds, and make me fully aware that whatever the rules are will change again the next time the 'R' is replaced by the 'D' or the 'D' is replaced by the 'R.'

Make up your fucking minds and then leave us the hell alone. I'll figure out a way forward. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna invest my capital in any place where new regulations are going to pop up and change the rules again after I've made the investment. And it's an insane proposition to expect businesses to operate that way.

This is what drives the "greed." It's "How can I maximize profits while I still can because the next political fight is going to squash them and make me have to rethink how I operate?"

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