To all the looters in Baltimore

Let's get one thing straight. The peaceful protestors who are organizing and trying to get the public to care about this issue are the real fighters. Those dicks you see roaming the street, breaking in stores stealing hand bags, all while laughing and having a good time, are not fighting for anything.

I know what I said. African American culture is in decline. Of course you have the outliers who go on to do incredible things and are great members of society. I have no doubt they will also go on to raise children who will continue their legacy. However, when compared to every other ethnic group, African Americans are consistently the least educated, etc, etc.

My parents both immigrated from a foreign country with no college education and no money. My father was a drug addict his whole life and didn't contribute a penny to my mom, who raised me and my brother. However, despite being a minority, growing up poor, and having a drug addict father, both me and my brother managed to make it through university, grad school, and on to success. Now, you may claim this is isolated, however, this is often the story for pretty much every immigrating race, in the US.

I personally believe the main variable that resulted in me become an educated member of society and not a hoodlum is a strong stable household, provided by my mother, and a culture that values education and success above all else.

African Americans are not the only ethnic group to overcome hardship. The Indians overcame the British, and than later infighting amongst religious groups. The Chinese and Koreans survived brutal Japanese war crimes. Jews, and many other Europeans, survived WWII. They didn't use these events as an excuse to not better themselves.

Please don't claim these assholes are fighting for something, it's insulting to the peaceful protestors and community leaders who actually are.

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