All the mass shootings that never happened...

I thought it was evident in the context, but to clarify, I wasn't being obtuse by implying everyone that commits suicide was thinking about shooting up a school, concert, church, etc. I first had the thought "he should have shot himself first" a while ago after a man in Pennsylvania shot up an Amish school before killing himself. Life is full of enough missy without cowardly assholes that are too pathetic to deal with the horror they've brought. He doesn't deserve death, but now we glorify him. His name should be printed on press releases coveted by a large black marker. Describe him, but never show his face. Gag order his friends and family under penalty of law.

Depression is a horrible affliction. When your mind is your prison, dark thoughts are like an ocean of black tar and you're in the middle. I got help but it sure as fuck wasn't easy. If you can't overcome that horrible prison, at least you can not destroy the lives of others. If you think no one that's ever killed themselves ever thought about hurting others first, well, it must be a wonderful fairy land you live in.

Next time I'll take it to r/2meirl4meirl.

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