Why have all the Mercy mains suddenly decided they're great Ana players?

No they enjoyed her before the Valkyrie change. The fun of getting off a successful and clutch team rez more than made up for the hold down left click and heal. Nobody liked the OP Valkyrie god mode and believe it or not, playing Mercy is like playing an entirely different game. Some people found it fun to get those clutch rezzes. They complain now because she just exists. Her heals are shit and rez is an absolute nightmare to pull off. Valkyrie isn't even fun, you have double sniper or super zoom hit scan, you're fucked and they nerfed her speed.

Having great survival is good if you actually contribute something but she's a lame duck. Her utility is self preservation, again this is something that is great in theory if she wasn't a dead weight on the team right now.

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