The problem is what was done to your Church of England. If there was any genuine Christianity over there, especially at the highest levels, the day might be saved. But there isn't. And you see the consequences. No God, no nothing. That is the aristocrats' and royals' real job: getting the point of your historic religion, its core truths and core value.

That is exactly what has gone wrong.

And this is not an easy job, either. It is respected exactly because it is so hard.

You have fifteen hundred years of authentic Christianity behind you and it is teetering, teetering.

Tell your aristocratic friends to hold weekly free study classes in authentic, decent, Christian issues and practices.

Maybe they can get away with it. For the moment, they are a little untouchable. For the moment.

I don't think there is much time left.

They could also personally give a big fat present of baby supplies, carriage, clothes, toys, and all, to every commoner within their reach who had a baby. Your people are not having babies. This would help financially and morally.

Also weddings. Your people just have girlfriends, not wives. Your aristocrats could personally attend and shake the hands of, and maybe financially underwrite, weddings. Perhaps only weddings of people under thirty-five. So as to encourage that youthful leap of faith, the early wedding.

I remark there are a lot of Union Jack shirts on Amazon UK.

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