All you need to know about American healthcare.

I had a car pull out on me while I was on my motorcycle, forcing me to swerve only to jam my bike into another cars bumper. I totaled the car I hit, but not with my bike; I flew over the handlebars and hit the trunk and bumper with my back and ass respectively. Bent the subframe enough to total it... with my ass. But I was able to walk afterward so I didn’t bother seeing a doctor. I can only assume that the impact twisted my right knee as I was thrown off because now I get random pain in that knee.

Fell out of a tree 6 months ago, at least 15 feet right onto my left hip. I could walk (wit a cane) afterward so I didn’t see a doctor. I can tell when the whether is changing now though, any sudden increase or decrease in barometric pressure sends a nasty sharp pain throughout my left leg and into my groin.

If I had insurance you bet your ass id have seen doctors for both incidents. But seeing how it would have cost me $300 per visit.... I’ll live with my random pain and weather telling superpower.

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