All the questions I can think of about Ad Carry playstyle.

-In a 2v2 fight i would think it is a ratio of damage vs squishiness. kill the sona first but ignore the taric type deal when in doubt just go for the adc. -depends how much money you have and the map. if you have money for a big item push then back for sure. also if the enemy mid and jungle aren't around then push and try and get down the turret. -don't know dorans blade is really good i would try not and sell it to later without it you have no lifesteal. -no set rotations this is a judgement call if you can take the tower go mid ,but if your just gonna stand around while ziggs clears for days then it isn't worth. shoving bot lane also opens up dragon opportunities. -Other techniques probably would depend of your adc. -yeah just try and get the wave to reset maybe get some harrass down. try and not do this would be the best option. -try and break the freeze, back or get wards down. sorry i would probably die to jungler. - adc itemization is a lot of personally preferences 3 tanks get bork 2 probably up to you. maybe someone else has the math. -i don't see how a double ap comp would require special position don't get hit and auto whoever is closests maybe get a banshees veil. -walking alone requires map awerness/wards don't get caught. don't walk through the jungle with no wards if they are all mia. get a blue trinket to help scout. you can walk to clear botlane if there are wards to see if anyone is coming/you have vision of the 3 enemy members who can kill you. -people should be going on warding missions with your support maybe you can if your team stole all your farm like in your next question. -if your lower elo and you can't trust your team to not fight i would recommend farming as fast as possible then hurring back to them+ spam pings and chat to let them know your not there

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