To all the Samanthas here.

guys do have an issue with high mahr and a high mahr is frowned upon as per hadith.

which is totally fine. i respect that men have the right to walk away from what they deem is too much, but technically, Islam does not have a ceiling for how much a woman can ask for. like i said, my mahr was qirat Qur'an so obviously i sympathized with my husband knowing that i didn't need his money, so why would i want it? but technically, mahr doesn't need a justification. it's her right.

The latter is a personal preference, also the guys playing video games, boxing or preferring housewives are called childish or abusive or narcissist

well those comments are dumb. my husband games and i could care less. to apply a personality trait to someone who games is immature so just report it and i'll remove it. but i need some decency here regardless of gender. that's how i mod. i dont care about feminism or not feminism.

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