All Things CMF 17 go HERE!!!

The issue with the squaredcircle post is that not only did the mod repost the same thing from a post they removed, but they also posted a spoiler in the title of the new post.

This situation is that a new post has been made with expanded perimeters for participating in the post, promoting discussion and decreasing large amounts of similar posts(the point of a mega thread, since you didn't seem to read the full post on which you are commenting). The old post was not removed, just unstickied to make room for the new post, which again, better promotes discussion, as well as links to the location post(the post to which you're claiming the mods don't want to give more karma).

Very different.

It's funny that in the post you shared, there's lots of worrying about the value of karma. But maybe you really care about karma and that's why you're reaching to make a similarity here that isn't here.

I don't think the mods are out to get any of us. And if they really cared about karma, I don't think they would take on the task of moderating a subreddit, which requires enforcing rules.

Maybe they realized it would be less work on them to open up the discussion a bit?

/r/lego Thread Parent