Alleged New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooter’s Manifesto Praises Donald Trump As ‘Symbol Of Renewed White Identity’

Platforms white supremacists' streams

Recommends following personalities with far right views, like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux

Yells out racial slurs on more than one occasion, and doesn't take responsibility for it

Specifically follows people whose main topic is spreading far-right rhetoric (Lauren Southern for example)

Far-right figureheads recommend their listeners to follow PewDiePie because he's a "good starting point."

Huge chunk of base is alt-right/far-right

Maybe with all these red flags Pewdiepie isn't an alt-right fascist, but there's a good fucking reason why he has a fucked up fanbase. In my opinion there are just way too many, as OP so eloquently stated, "oopsies" for me to think it's all just a coincidence and subsequently a misunderstanding. I've seen it before, he'll have take his mask off and will have his Jontron moment in the near future.

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