The Alliance vs. Kurt Angle... and a Milk Truck

80s baby and this is my all-time greatest memory from my days as a wrestling fan. The reaction this elicited in me in my living room that night is one thing I am glad there is no record of except for in my memory. I don't think I have ever reacted to TV again like seeing this live.

If you are interested in the background story to this there is a great write-up here:

but mainly here is the highlight:

At Invasion, Austin betrayed WWE, leading to an emotionally charged main event at SummerSlam in August.

The Olympic gold medalist Angle attempted to wrest the heavyweight championship from Austin, thus bringing it back to WWE. Unfortunately for him, crooked refereeing by Alliance official Nick Patrick led to a disqualification.

Enraged over the events that unfolded one night earlier, Angle rode a milk truck into Monday night Raw and sprayed Austin and his Alliance peers with some Grade A wholesome milk, much to the delight of the fans.

Basically the WWE purchased WCW and ECW in real life, so they created a storyline that there was a really bad merger going on and it became this huge company-wide war split between the original WWE and the new WCW/ECW wrestlers that were acquired with the licenses etc. It was all a storyline and Stone Cold Steve Austin became like this Benedict Arnold who went to the dark side (WCW/ECW) and became their leader. Kurt Angle became the leader of the original WWE, and of course in an effort to make for a good storyline, the writing made it so that WWE was getting stomped on by these new invaders for awhile. This was a big turning point for the fans and a huge surprise and relief, a ray of hope for the WWE heros, who went on to smash Stone Cold and the invaders into submission at the next PPV match IIRC.

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