Almost got killed walking home from the liquor store.

Goodness, last night my girlfriend and I were walking along the river with our dog and some random asshole drove by in their PoS rusted Tacoma and screamed "WOOOO-YEEEEEAAAA" and then poked a middle-finger out the passenger window...

I was barely startled and didn't visibly shake, because I'm in the oilfield and I'm used to loud noises, but my girlfriend virtually had a standing seizure.

I yelled after him, "Better hurry home so you can beat your wife, you inbred fuck!!!" but it was windy and I doubt he heard me, sadly.

My point is... Goddamn are you lucky to still react to sounds that way, you're very lucky you didn't get run over. I have significant hearing damage from work, and I'd likely have kept walking into a crippling predicament.

CHAIRS! Drinking saved your life, friend.

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread