Almost there!

Nothing says "hey we put in zero thought or effort, and we know so little about you that we just said here's generic shit" than socks and jocks.


My mom has always given me cash for my birthdays and Christmas. I know it's a first-world problem, but I'd rather she only spend a fraction of what she gives me puts 2 seconds into thinking about what I would like instead. I want something that I can keep and treasure because she gave it to me, something to look at or use in the future when she's not here anymore so it can remind me of her and that she took those 2 seconds and imagined me enjoying that thing. At least back in the day she used to send me a card with the cash. Now she just transfers it into my account. I don't even need money, I told her she shouldn't do it anymore, but she feels bad for "not getting me something." It's a no-win situation.

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