Alone on New Years?

Turning 30.

Coffee + pain pills + 2048 + listening to self help post-breakup youtube people

At midnight, I might light this bottle rocket that I've had for 4 years and hug my dog.

Watchin videos of rats doing cute rat things.

Trying to figure out how much overlapping traits of the cluster b's I have and how I'm heartbroken and I don't feel like anyone will understand, not in a million years, how much it hurts to love someone, to actually love someone so much that I gave up shit for them and sacrificed and protected them and cared enough to care about myself for once. For some dream. Only to be misunderstood and accused of being a sociopath a bunch because I zoned out again when they were screaming at me or something.

I don't have some master plan, I don't scheme. I just take it one day at a time, and I do the best that I can but I dunno what the fuck I wasted my 20's on, and why I haven't figured everything out yet, or at least figured out how to make myself happy.

Ugh I need more coffee.

/r/sociopath Thread