Alpine Linux as KVM Host?

I don't think Alpine is the wrong choice for anything, especially if you're security aware.

The thing with it is just that you need to setup everything yourself and its not that old - hence its why its less popular then distros like Debian/Ubuntu or even Arch Linux.

Its really widely used as a guest for docker-containers and the like, but that doesn't mean anything if you ask me.

I really like its roots. I rather start with a minimal system that I can build upon then a giat piece of bloatware that I need to debloat piece for piece.

Its a bit like the OpenBSD of Linux, which is also a lot less popular then FreeBSD (well not exactly a good comparission but only regarding popularity and their security centric focus).

TLDR: Should be fine, if your willing to walk the extra mile. Keep in mind a lot of the Wiki is outdated/halfwhat-complete. e.g. Wayland support is not documented properly yet, most tutorials for example are really sepcific and focus around X11 or leave out info expecting you to know your tools of trade.

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