ALT beats earnings, lives in same town as NVAX (up 80% in 2 days)

Given where the market is right now, it seems to me investors are searching frantically for dry ground/high land.

My positions:

NVAX 150 shares at $22.22: +$2729

ALT: 650 shares at $4.09: + 167

NET: 25 shares at 27.44

Upcoming purchase:

CODX: Just going to be staring at the chart all day long looking for a dip then placing a limit to get in near where I think the bottom of the dip will be. If there is one.

Watching extremely closely:








Every single one of these stocks, I am watching and waiting for a dip. If it doesn't come, I feel like I should just note the potential win and move on.

In my mind, a new, post-virus economy is forming. It is a crash for the kinds of old-world businesses. It will be an utterly astounding crash for things like physical malls and shops. It will be an utterly astounding boom for some, though. New billionaires will be made, and new millionaires as well. I sure as hell am aiming for the moon.

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